Apr 27 2020 Space and Time
In lockdown a lot becomes clear. Not just your foibles and personal areas ripe for growth, not just your pet peeves and your annoyances at those who cannot follow directions even for their own good, but also the things you are grateful for. These might become apparent in the longing for human connection – you don’t know how good you have it until it is gone – or in the little things you see for the first time because you have slowed down enough to notice. Continue reading
Apr 25 2020 What’s in Your Glass?
We all know the idiom, “is your glass half empty or half full?” I generally think of myself as a half full type of person, but in the past few months I’ve seen more and more my propensity towards being an Eeyore. It’s the insidious little comments that all start adding up and then somehow the optimistic room is shrouded in doubt and blah. Of course these moments come most often when I’m tired, hungry or feeling vulnerable. Not being my bestest ever self, but that is no excuse. And the more I think about this half emptiness, the more I see the pattern, and I’ve talked about this before, “it must be my fault.” Last night we heard a knocking sound, Continue reading